Extreme H2O Weekly
- Outstanding comfort
- Precise fit with 3 diameters
- Easy and affordable modality
A one week modality for patients who would benefit from frequent replacement but don’t want to incur the high cost of daily disposables.
Outstanding Comfort
Our proven GMA/hydrogel copolymer has advanced hydration properties, enabling it to retain 99% of its moisture – even under extreme conditions. Lens comfort, movement, and fit will be stable throughout the day.
Precise Fit With 3 Diameters
27% of patients have an HVID that falls outside the standard range and would benefit from a smaller or larger diameter lens. Three diameter options enables you to get the right fit on all your patients for improved comfort.
Easy and Affordable
Our proven GMA/hydrogel copolymer has advanced hydration properties, enabling it to retain 99% of its moisture – even under extreme conditions. Lens comfort, movement, and fit will be stable throughout the day.